Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1 Timothy 1:16

"But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life."

I would have to say I have not had a better day of walking then today. I was sad to see it end as I arrived at school for my classes.

Today I was hit with several things, but one gigantic thought that carried me through my time of meditation. We have been put on display as the work of the great artist, Christ. This Scripture tells us that Paul was an example to display the patience of Christ so that the genius of the artist might be revealed to those he is preparing for eternity. We are his works of art. We sit on display testifying to his goodness. Now the display of Paul no doubt was a Masterpeice. If we think of it in terms of a gallery, his redemption would be a centerpeice display. But here Paul also wants Timothy to know that he also is on display. As a shepherd of God's flock, he also is a central display before man of the work of God. Christ is glorified in him and his redemption and ministry is daily a testimony to the artist, Christ himself.

In fact we all are on display and are a display. Many of us are given different places in the gallery, but in some sense the work of Christ is on display in all of us. The world and the angels watch in amazement and glorify him at his handywork. This led me to a handful of thoughts.

1) We are ridiculously beatiful.

2) We are an unfinished work.

3) We are meant to stand out. We are meant to be a topic of discussion amongst men and angels. No painter paints a painting the same monotone color as the wall it is displayed on. Even if he did, it would still stand out, yet the conversation around it would not be so flattering. We might be wise to consider this as we think of the type of display we are before a watching world. Paul confirms this thought throughout Scripture.

4) Don't get a big head about this. In an Art Gallery, the artist always get the credit. Not the painting! This Scripture makes it clear that the display of Paul is a glorification of Christ, not Paul.

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