Saturday, January 29, 2011

1 Tim 19b-20

"Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme."

Then following the charge, comes the warning.

But if you don't......"some have shipwrecked their faith".

I spent a lot of time dwelling on this shipwrecked metaphor trying to bring it to life. What picture does Paul want Timothy to see here? What picture should I see? What type of shipwreck is this?

I want to be clear, this is not the type of possible shipwreck discussed in James 1:2-6. This is not a trial of life that comes along. We all know that life in and of itself for a believer is filled with endless trials. There are enough icebergs, shallow sand bars, and pirate ships that continually stand in our path. We know people who have been faced with trials that literally feel as if their faith has been shipwrecked. Despite that pain, hopefully the beleiver grows from the experience.

The shipwreck Paul is talking about is self imposed. Landmines that we have willfully placed in our own path. Land mines that we have created in life by not keeping the faith and a good conscience. There is no need to list these. Every believer could list these and probably list the ones they struggle to avoid creating for themself. This is what Paul warns.

When thinking about this a scene from the movie Ghostbusters popped into my head. At the end, they are told that their own thoughts will destroy them. They try to clear their head of thoughts, but Ray thinks of the Staypuft Marshmallow Man. Now real life is not intended to be a comedy, and the results of our thoughts and actions are more serious then that of a movie. But the idea remains, don't destroy yourself. By not keeping the faith and a good conscience, you shipwreck yourself Timothy!

As I thought about the idea of a shipwreck 5 things come came to mind.

1) Loss of Valuable Cargo--Willfully choosing to live a life of disobedience in sin will cause us to lose things. This can range from respect, trust, jobs, or family. A shipwreck always has serious loss of unreemable carge.

2) Loss of Life--My guess is rarely did a 1st century shipwreck happen without loss of life. We know of Paul's shipwreck at the end of Acts and the only way everyone survived in that situation was by the direct working of God. Now, you might not die, but there is a sense that we are destroying something sacred by willfull disobedience.

3) Great Peril--As I thought of this point while walking, suddenly a scene from the movie Jaws popped into my head. Where the old battered sea captain tells of the fate of the crew of the USS Indianapolis. I don't remember it verbatim, but it in essence he says (100 men went into the water, 20 men came out). His story was about shark attack, but the idea stays the same. A shipwrecking of your faith leads to numerous life perils and troubles that follow.

4) Public Spectacle--There is definitely a sense where I think Paul intends to give this meaning the the shipwreck as he lists two such members of the church who have shipwrecked their faith. No doubt, choosing a life of sin can possible lead you to be a public spectacle. I think we all know such people. Those whose sin has caught them and exposed them before all. Often these are people in leadership, especially a Pastor like Timothy faces this if he chooses a life of sin.

5) Permanent Mark--I can't imagine any sea captain who wrecks a ship gets many opportunities to pilot another. Now, our God is perfect in mercy and their is always restoration. Even the brothers mentioned at the end of the verse were given over to Satan in the hope of restoring their place and fellowship in the body. This is always the goal, but the mark/memory always remains.

Paul finishes this warning with an example. Timothy no doubt knows these men and their fate well. This is a very personal example for him. Just as his calling should always encourage him to live a Godly life, the example of these men should always warn him against choosing sin. I see this as a passionate plea by Paul, remember the pain they caused and the regretful punishment I had to give. Please, Please Timothy don't let this happen to you. Please, Please God don't let this happen to me.

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