"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone"
Paul spent all of the first chapter telling Timothy about the Source, Strength, and Focus of Minstry (Christ and His Call To Sinners). He also spent the time warning him about the danger of ministry (False Teachers and Yourself). Here he starts chapter 2 with practical advice of how "To Do" ministry. And what does he say first....
He says PRAY! He doesn't just say pray, he URGES Timothy to passionately pray for all men. As shepherd of the flock the first thing he wants him to remember is to pray at all time for "all men". Paul urges Timothy to intercede before the throne of God daily for those within his church and those outside he desires to reach. He encourages him to continually lift up thanksgiving to our Lord. He desires that all types of supplication and prayers be offered up that he might see the faithfulness of the Lord.
This really struck me. There are a 1000 important things that Paul could have started his instructions to Timothy with (Word Study, Counseling, Discipleship, Worship, etc), but the first thing he says is "PRAY!" It made me think, he could of told Timothy "to do" anything first, but in essence he said "Let God Do" and then join alongside.
I think Paul is saying that power of ministry comes from God, not man. In no way does a believer more unleash the power of God then through prayer. Paul is saying, ssk the Lord and watch, He will do great things.
I have to admit this was convicting. No doubt the life of a Pastor like Timothy needs to be filled with continual prayer, but I don't think this urging is any less true for every believer. The source of our strength and the strength for ministry lies not in ourselves, but God. When we pray, we confirm this is true. Men and Women who don't pray ultimately are saying that they can handle ministry all by themselves.
As I asked God to reveal more to me about the truth of this verse, I heard him say just one more thing, "Pray". So I spent the rest of the walk in prayer for family, friends, the school, my students and anything else that crossed my mind. I too like Timothy hope to unleash the power in my life and the lives of those around me.
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