"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God."
As I read through this, verse I hesitated to dive in as we are moving into a discussion on gender roles in the church. It is funny how you don't even want to think, little lone talk through some of these verses sometimes. Despite that, I memorized on.
The first thing I noticed as I began the verse is that the wording is identical to the start of verse 8, "I also want". This puts this statement on par with the statement before it. Its like saying I want a hamburger and I want a milkshake. They all make up the same thought that composes a meal. Likewise this verse, isn't really so much about women's roles, but like verse 8, about worship.
The goal focus of these verses is avoiding hindrances to worship. Verse 8 wants men to engage in worship together and put aside all disputes and anger. Verse 9 also wants women to engage in that same worship, but they need to avoid the desire to outwardly adorn themselves. I personally think Paul understands what men and women both struggle with. He understands in the church, and definitely in Timothy's church, that men often struggle with disputes and disagreements which often lead to anger over issues within the church. I think Paul is also making a statement here that women's desire to adorn themselves outwardly can also be a hindrance to women in a worshipping community.
This made me reflect back to a discussion Paul had on communion where he warned the church, not to show favortism of people of higher rank during communion. This is essence harms any sense of unified worship that is celebrated through the taking of the Lord's supper by elevating some over others. Likewise, in our day, and I would guess in Paul's day we see women trying to define themselves and their station in the world by dress. I don't think Paul is saying that women can never dress nicely, (I love it when my wife puts on a beautiful dress for a nice date). Instead I think he is saying that there is no place for this within a worshipping body. The adorning (which cannot be done evenly by all) seperates people into groups. I have seen this in church before.
Now in no way, am I trying to equate nice clothes with sinful behavior, but I know that we tend to try to define ourselves by what we wear. I know many (in and out of the church) like to look down on others not dressed as nicely. This is a defnite trap of money. God I believe is saying that in this church, and any church, women can sometimes unknownly impede worship by putting a focus on the outward appearance.
I think Paul ends the verse by confirming that within a worshipping body of saints the only thing that should make women (and men) stand out is our deeds done in the faith. I tend to reflect on the many crowns that can be awarded to a believer at the day of judement. These are the only adornments Paul believes should distinguish one believer from another within the worship.
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